
Bu Ji by Terayama Tanchu Sensei

The ZenDo at Art in Action is an open space to create, look and listen, or simply enjoy! Set away from the crowds and in a place of natural beauty by the river, there will be daily classes in the art of Zen Brushwork. Terayama Tanchu Sensei has described Zen Brushwork as the art of ‘being awakened through writing’. Every afternoon, you can enjoy live shakuhachi music played by Mike McInerney, accompanied by a simple Japanese tea and an opportunity to have a go at Zen painting.

Artists across disciplines have always been inspired by the art and culture of Japan. ‘ZenDo’ is a chance for you to experience this simplicity and have a go at brush calligraphy facilitated by Rosalind Wyatt and Jos Hadfield.

Rosalind Wyatt is a visual artist initially trained in western calligraphy; she was introduced to Zen brushwork in 2007 since when it has become part of her artistic practice and a huge influence on her approach to creativity.

Jos Hadfield teaches t’ai chi as well as Zen Brushwork, and enjoys every opportunity to share and continue learning these meditative art forms that allow full expression of mind, body and heart both internally and in the wider context of the universe.

They will be exhibiting a small selection of their work in the space alongside a changing display of calligraphy scrolls. Both have spent time studying in Japan under the esteemed tutelage of Professor Terayama Tanchu and, following his passing in 2007, with his senior student Sarah Moate. Groups meet regularly to practice across the UK which is open to all.


Download the full Practical Classes schedule.