Practical Classes – Teachers
The desire to create is inborn in everyone. The Practical Classes are offered as a vehicle through which such aspirations may be experienced. Come and be guided by knowledgeable teachers who will help you learn some of the skills and techniques inherent in a particular art or craft form.
Art in Action wishes to thank the following organisations for providing additional teachers and support: The Art Academy, City & Guild of London Art School, The Embroiderers’ Guild, Farncombe Estate Adult Learning Centre, The Guild of Enamellers, The Guild of Glass Engravers, Nature in Art, New English Arts Club, The Open College of Arts, The Prince’s School of Traditional Arts and West Dean College.
A list of teachers holding practical classes at this year’s event:
Aimee Harman
Join Aimee to make a colourful mosaic mirror with all sorts of different materials. Assorted Mosiacs Kits will be available to buy to make at home.
8 The Sheepfold Heathy Brow Peacehaven East Sussex BN10 8EG
01273 586 181
07740 343 570
[email protected]