Pottery Handbuilding (4 — 7 years)
- Age Range:
4 — 7 years
- Class Size:
- Duration:
1 hour
Using basic skills and everyday implements (rather than sophisticated and expensive tools) to explore the surface textures and detail of natural forms.
We aim to give the children an introduction to the handling of clay, using various techniques. They will learn to join, shape and make patterns and imprints on the clay, as they build a piece that they can take home with them that has included all the different methods.
Note: Classes run by colleges, guilds and societies will take place in one
marquee marked on the exterior by the name of the college, guild or society. The
remainder of classes will be run in a parallel marquee with the class names clearly
visible on the exterior. Please ensure you go to the right marquee.
Class Times & Locations: