What people say
Visitors (including a teacher):
“The Dialogues give people a chance
to ask deeper questions that would be unlikely to
arise in the context of a crowded marquee.”
general standard of care, provision of plenty of chairs and tables, awnings
and umbrellas showed real thought and care.”
“One of the highlights of a recent trip from New Zealand and will long
be remembered. I could have gone back day after day.”
“Fantastic…very useful. So many things to keep them occupied.”
“What a well thought out show that was…even the tent pegs were safely wrapped…”
“This is to express my deep feelings of respect and gratitude for giving
me the chance to participate.”
“Art in Action is an extraordinary and unique event, and in spite of the fact that it is hard work, it is an oasis in the middle of a very busy year.”
“Quite simply we regard Art in Action as the finest Arts and Crafts Exhibition in Britain, with an ambience quite different from the rest…it is the atmosphere created by the volunteers that makes the difference.”