Help Serve at Art in Action
Art in Action has been running since 1977 served by a team of 5-600 volunteers per day. While most are members of the sponsoring organisation, The School of Economic Science, over the years many others have volunteered to help. We would like to offer to anyone interested, the opportunity to help at Art in Action under a plan where you would work for ½ the day and then are free to see the show for the other ½ day. Lunch will be provided at no charge in the staff refreshment tent. Free entry and a complimentary programme will also be offered to all those who help in this way.
The work session is either from 9:30am – 1:00pm or from 2:30pm until 6:00pm. The show is open from 10:00am – 5:30pm.
If you are interested, please either contact the Art in Action office at 0207 381 3192, or download the volunteer form below, fill it out and either e-mail it to us at [email protected] or post it to: Art in Action, 96 Sedlescombe Road, London, SW6 1RB
Download the Volunteer Form