Volunteering to help at Art in Action
Over 600 volunteers are needed every day to provide the high level of service which is a tradition of Art in Action. Most of the volunteers are students of the sponsoring organisation, The School of Economic Science, but in recent times the help of volunteers from the general public has become increasingly important. Some are art students but many just love to take part. Offers of help from anyone with a genuine wish to be useful are welcome.
Lunch in the staff refreshments marquee is provided. Volunteers will have regular breaks and if time allows the opportunity to visit the demonstration areas and attend performances. The day starts with a meeting of all helpers at 8.40am and arrival in time to join the meeting is recommended. Activities finish by 6.00pm allowing half an hour to clear-up after the public closing time.
There is quite a variety of roles that need to be filled. Some roles are in the demonstration areas but many others are in support activities. The organisers make every effort to ensure that volunteers are happy with the roles offered and a form will be provided on this page next year so that those interested in volunteering for the 2013 event can communicate preferences and other relevant information.
If you have any questions regarding volunteering at Art in Action or would like more information please send us an e-mail at [email protected]