New North Press will be offering an introduction to the craft of letterpress to experience the entire process from composition (hand-setting) from wood and metal type to printing (inking and pulling the press). New North Press is an artisan letterpress print studio in the heart of East London, UK. With a substantial library of type they hand-set and print on Albion presses. The press was established in 1986 by Graham Bignell and since 2012 has been a partnership with Richard Ardagh and Beatrice Bless. Many of their poster editions are inspired by the verbal history of London, from nursery rhymes and folklore traditions to Cockney rhyming slang. Their aim is to keep the craft of letterpress alive by teaching regular workshops to pass on the knowledge; working on commissioned projects for clients large and small; and producing their own print editions and books. Their work is exhibited and sold in the UK and worldwide.