14 DecDuncan Shields


14 AprDuncan Shields


Duncan is a portrait photographer and photographic historian using the historic wet plate collodion process. Invented in 1851, the wet plate process creates unique, handmade photographs on glass (Ambrotype) or Aluminium (Tintype). The process involves coating a glass or aluminium plate with a liquid collodion emulsion, sensitizing the plate in a bath of silver nitrate, exposing the plate in an antique large format brass and wood camera, and developing the plate inside a small mobile darkroom. As the plate needs to be wet during exposure and development, the whole process must take less than ten minutes. After drying, the plate is coated using a traditional organic lavender and sandarac varnish. The wet plate process is a truly handmade and original method of creating portraits, and in many ways stands as an antithesis of modern digital photography. The final work of art is completely unique and is not reproducible. When created properly the images are archival, and will last for more than 100 years. Marks and blemishes remain visible on the plate and illustrate their handmade nature. These photographs are a unique and beautiful object you and your family will cherish forever.