Supplier External Catering 2012 – Expression of Interest – Not for Agents

Art In Action, in its 35th year, is expecting about 25,000 visitors over four days this July to witness more than 400 artists, designer-makers, craftsmen and women, musicians, performers, teachers and lecturers working. Art in Action ranks as the most exciting arts event of its kind in Europe.

We are looking for suppliers who can demonstrate that they are outstanding in their field. This form sets out our terms and conditions which will form the basis of any contract between us. Please complete this form and return it to [email protected] with any documentation you believe will help us to judge your suitability.

We propose to allocate 8 pitches to external caterers this year, which are shown on the site map. We reserve the right to change these site locations. (The Art in Action 2011 layout map will be availabe to download nearer the event.)

Please note that we already have internal caterers for the following services: wine, beer, champagne, pancakes & waffles, ice cream & cold drinks.

Download the External Catering Form